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Born in 1972

The chairman of the Japan Formal Wear Culture Association

CEO : My Mode co.,ltd 

Representative of Tuxedo Atelier ROSSO NERO

Achievements in the Entertainment Industry

- Academy Awards

- Grammy Awards

- Milan International Film Festival

- Montreal fil festival

- Ballon D'or Awards

- Busan Film festival       ,etc.

Achievement of Design


1. TV/Movie stars' formal costumes: Rosso Nero has a virtual monopoly in this field

2. Mercedes-Benz's wedding Tuxedo & dress

3. Uniforms for hotels

(The Ritz Carlton Tokyo, The Peninsula Hotel Tokyo, Palace Hotel Tokyo, etc.)

4. Uniforms for shopping centers

5. Stage actors' costumes

6. Collaborative fashion brands such as "CHRISTIAN ROLAND"


< TV >

The Compass of Aphrodite : NHK

Mezamashi-TV : FUJI TV

Nino-san : NIHON TV

Secret Change : TBS TV

Monkumon : YOMIURI TV

BANANA-MAN for Adults : ASAHI TV, etc.






White Sposa Japan

Hotel Wedding

The Best Restaurant for the Sophisticated at TOKYO , etc.



Nihon Keizai Shinbun (Japan Economics Newspaper)

Senken Shinbun(The daily Japanese Fashion Newspaper)

Bridal Industry Newspaper (The best newspaper in the industry) , etc.

Achievement of Lecture

- Special lecturer at BUNKA Fashion College(The best Fashion college in Asia)

- Special lecturer at Tokyo Polytechnic University (the 2nd top-ranked university ranking in Japan)

- Special lecturer at KEIO University Graduate School

- Lecturer at Global Style Academy

- Head Lecturer at Japan Formalwear Culture Association

Awarded : MFU Meister "Technological Heritage"

Munetaka Yokoyama was awarded as MFU Meister

"Technological Heritage" representing JAPAN

What ? >>> The Certification of MFU Meister "Technological Heritage”


Japan Mens Fashion Unity implement this certification to leaders who have high technology, knowledge, and insight that must be handed down to the next generation.

The award conditions for the certification MFU Meister

- who has a strong volition and ability to hand down to the next generation and who has the high technology and experience

- who has the experience in the corresponding field over 20 years.

-who has a history that can objectively prove the above two conditions.

- who has befitting personality to take the title of Meister

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